Dr. Violet Kasabri
Faculty Member
The University Of Jordan
University of Jordan
Amman, Jordan
D R V I O L E T K A S A B R I (BSc, MSc, PhD)
; Associate Professor of biomedical sciences and lecturer of Biochemistry [i + ii], clinical biochemistry and Medical Terminology
HIKMA PHARMACEUTICALS PLC/AMMAN, JORDAN; drug discovery department: diabetes type 1 postdoctoral research fellow
School of Biomedical Sciences, University of Ulster; demonstration in Chemistry and Clinical Biochemistry labs for undergrad nutrition and biomedical students
2000 - 2004
Diabetes Research Group, School of Biomedical Sciences, University of Ulster, Coleraine, N.Ireland: PhD Biomedical Sciences (Submitted: Feb 13th , 2004; Viva: March 30th , 2004) “Evaluation of the efficacy and mechanisms of action of traditional plant treatments for diabetes”: provides novel information and both the identification and characterization of potential plant/drug therapies for diabetes''.
School of Biomedical Sciences, University of Ulster, Coleraine, N. Ireland: MSc (Master of Science) Biomedical Sciences (Distinction) MSc dissertation: Diabetes Research Group. “Evaluation of antidiabetic agents as inhibitors of in vitro insulin glycation”
University of Jordan, Amman: BSc Medical Laboratory Technology (89%; excellence with Honors)
Associated Professor![]() | |
GraduateCountry | University of Ulster, UK, 2004 |
ContactDetails |
Ext. 23361 |
Publications | http://eacademic.ju.edu.jo/v.kasabri/Lists/Published%20Research/AllItems.aspx |
PersonalWebsite | http://eacademic.ju.edu.jo/v.kasabri/default.aspx |
Departments | Biopharmaceutics and Clinical Pharmacy |
RankObtainedIn | 1/31/2013 |
Departments:DepartmentName | Biopharmaceutics and Clinical Pharmacy |
Departments:DepartmentOrder | 3 |
v.kasabri@ju.edu.jo | |
Phone | +962-6-5355000 |
Extension | 23361 |
Fax | +962-6-5300250 |
Knowledge transfer and dissemination
University website http://www2.ju.edu.jo/sites/academic/v.kasabri/default.aspx
The National Database for Researchers in Universities & scientific Centers http://resn.hcst.gov.jo [ID number 7156]
Google Scholar http://scholar.google.com/citations?user=rxmQK8sAAAAJ&hl=en&oi=ao
Research Gate ; RG SCORE 18.37 https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Violet_Kasabri/contributions/?ev=prf_act
Academia.edu https://djasljsa.academia.edu/viok
ORCID-ID: orcid.org/0000-0003-1927-0193 RESEARCHER ID: C-3596-2015

With Violet Kasabri, Rola Saadeh and Saja Shawwaf Al-Qtaishat.

My thesis defense...
Pass with excellence😍🎓 Thank you so much Dr.Violet and Dr.Nailya for your continous support, throughout the long and tenuous process. You were an inspiration that pushed me to work harder... — with Violet Kasabri.
by Rama Kahwaji


عاجل لكلية الصيدلة - الجامعة الأردنية :
الطالب الصيدلاني (صهيب الشروش ) تعرض لنزيف حاد في المعدة وهو الآن يتماثل للشفاء في أسرّة مستشفى الجامعة الأردنية .
وهو بحاجة إلى خمس وحدات من الدم -A.
كلية الصيدلة أولى بأهلها من غيرها
ساهموا بالتبرع لزميلكم ولكم الأجر إن شاء الله .


الخير فيكم والأمل بتجدد بحياة المرضى من عطاءك وتبرعك
كون سبب لسعادتهم ... أملهم ... علاجهم ...
بإيدك ترسم الفرحة بقلب عجوز وطفلة صغيرة ، بإيدك تفرح أم ما معها علاج لطفلها ... بإيدك إنت بتقدر تحقق السعادة ... ؛)
خلونا إيد وحدة ، وما نستصغر الي بنقدر نقدمه للناس الي بأمس الحاجة لأدوية ما بنستخدمها ...
بانتظاركم أسرة الجامعة الأردنية على مدار الأسبوع ... والخير فيكم دائما وابدا
رابط الايفينت :

Pharma 2015 ... Class of Excellence
Faculty of Pharmacy - University of Jordan

Princess Zeid of Jordan & Dr McIntosh of the Faculty of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Monash University with at USAID for Global Health Saving Lives At Birth Peer Choice Awards.
Optimize Business is a proud supplier to Monash University supporting the project with social media! — at USAID for Global Health.

picture was taken today after the meeting of board members of Faculty
of Pharmacy- University of Jordan with Prof. Joseph DiPiro; Dean of
School of Pharmacy - Virginia Commonwealth University, and we discussed
many subjects about the development of profession of pharmacy in Jordan,
especially about PharmD and residency programs there smile emoticon
This is just the beginning wink emoticon
T... See More
— with محمد النوايسة, Nailya Bulatova, Joseph DiPiro and د. المعتصم يوسف at King Hussein Bin Talal Convention Centre managed by Hilton.This is just the beginning wink emoticon
T... See More

Lecture Hall - Faculty of Pharmacy: University of Jordan

The second department in my pharmacy faculty at university of Jordan is :
-Department of Pharmaceutics and Pharmaceutical Technology-
Pharmaceutics and pharmaceutical technology department consists of 15 PhD holders coming from diverse academic backgrounds. The department offers theoretical and practical courses in the areas of pharmaceutics, pharmaceutical technology and pharmaceutical microbiology. The department staff maintains an active and multidisciplinary research and collaborations with other departments, local pharmaceutical industry and regulatory agencies.

Faculty of Pharmacy-University of Jordan
1st. March 2012