Janet P. Engle, PharmD, PhD (Hon), FAPhA, FNAP
Pharmacy Practice
833 South Wood Street
Room 164 MC 886
Room 164 MC 886
Chicago, IL 60612
PHONE: 312-996-6300
FAX: 312-996-0379
Janet P. Engle, PharmD, PhD (Hon), FAPhA, FNAP
Department Head, Professor, Pharmacy Practice
833 S. Wood Street, 166A (886)
Chicago, Illinois 60612
Email: uicpharm@uic.edu
Phone: (312) 996-6212
Fax: (312) 996-0379
- BS, Pharmacy, Rutgers University, Piscataway, New Jersey
- PharmD, University of Illinois at Chicago, Chicago, Illinois
Dr. Engle's areas of interest include community and ambulatory care, non-prescription drugs and self-care, pharmacy education and academic administration.
- President, American Pharmacists Association
Journal Article
- Nutescu EA, Engle JP, Bathija S, , Chan J, Mucksavage JJ, Ohler KH, Tesoro EP, Thielke JJ, Shapiro NL, Donnelly AJ, Garofalo J, DiDomenico RJ. "Balance of academic responsibilities of clinical track pharmacy faculty in the United States: a survey of select American College of Clinical Pharmacy Practice and Research Network Members.". Pharmacotherapy. 2014;34(12):1239-49. doi:10.1002/phar.1521.
- Engle JP, Erstad BL, Anderson, Jr DC, Bucklin MH, Chan A, Donaldson AR, Hagemann TM, O'Connell MB, Rodgers PT, Tennant S, Thomas Z. "Minimum qualifications for clinical pharmacy practice faculty.".Pharmacotherapy. 2014;34(5):e38-44.
- Havrda DE, Engle JP, Anderson KC, Ray SM, Haines SL, Kane-Gill SL, Ballard SL, Crannage AJ, Rochester CD, Parman MG. "Guidelines for resident teaching experiences.". Pharmacotherapy. 2013;33(7):e147-61. doi:10.1002/phar.1250.
- Engle JP. "Guidelines for Resident Teaching Experiences". . 2013;.
- Engle JP. "The ACCP Field Guide to Becoming a Standout Pharmacy Residency Candidate.". . 2012;.
- Chisholm-Burns MA, Spivey CA, Billheimer D, Schlesselman LS, Flowers SK, Hammer D, Engle JP, Nappi JM, Pasko MT, Ross LA, Sorofman B, Rodrigues HA, Vaillancourt AM. "Multi-institutional study of women and underrepresented minority faculty members in academic pharmacy.". American journal of pharmaceutical education. 2012;76(1):7. doi:10.5688/ajpe7617.
- Schwartz SM, Bansal VP, Hale C, Rossi M, Engle JP. "Compliance, behavior change, and weight loss with orlistat in an over-the-counter setting.". Obesity (Silver Spring, Md.). 2008;16(3):623-9. doi:10.1038/oby.2007.96.
- Zierler-Brown SL, VanAmburgh JA, Casper KA, Krypel LL, Salcido AL, Padron VA, Pray WS, Wall AL, Sobotka JL, Engle JP. "Status and recommendations for self-care instruction in US colleges and schools of pharmacy, 2006.". American journal of pharmaceutical education. 2006;70(6):139.
- Dlugosz CK, Chater RW, Engle JP. "Appropriate use of nonprescription analgesics in pediatric patients.".Journal of pediatric health care : official publication of National Association of Pediatric Nurse Associates & Practitioners. 2006;20(5):316-25; quiz 326-8. doi:10.1016/j.pedhc.2006.07.001.
- Dekhtawala KN, , Engle JP. "Pharmacy education and practice in France.". American journal of health-system pharmacy : AJHP : official journal of the American Society of Health-System Pharmacists. 1996;53(13):1600-2.
- Engle JP, Firman SC. "Perfecting pharmacist presentation skills.". American pharmacy. 1994;NS34(7):60-71; quiz 71-3.
- Engle JP. "Caring for contact lenses.". American pharmacy. 1994;NS34(3):73-82.
- Engle JP. "Assessing and counseling contact lens wearers.". American pharmacy. 1993;NS33(11):39-45.
- Engle JP. "OTCs' role in cost-effective health care.". American pharmacy. 1993;NS33(5):4.
- Engle JP, Donnelly AJ. "Selecting a nonprescription internal analgesic.". American pharmacy. 1993;NS33(5):28-34.
- Engle JP. "Topical nasal decongestants.". American pharmacy. 1992;NS32(5):33-7.
- Engle JP. "Leadership and professionalism in pharmacy.". American journal of hospital pharmacy. 1991;48(7):1559-62.
- Engle JP, Leoni JM, Donnelly AJ. "Management of alcohol withdrawal: treatment controversies.". American pharmacy. 1988;NS28(11):51-7.
- Engle JP, Polin KS, Stile IL. "Acute iron intoxication: treatment controversies.". Drug intelligence & clinical pharmacy. 1987;21(2):153-9.
- Engle JP. (2002). "150 years of pharmacy: our patients, our passion.". Journal of the American Pharmaceutical Association (Washington,D.C. : 1996). Vol. 42. Issue 5 Suppl 1. Page(s) S7-9.
- DA Solimando, Jr , Engle JP. (1990). "Comment: Pharmacy specialization.". DICP : the annals of pharmacotherapy. Vol. 24. Issue 10. Page(s) 1011-2.

The UIC Department of Pharmacy Practice is one of the largest and most productive departments in the country. Our faculty are known across the US and around the world for their expertise. The department continues to grow and operationalize the strategic plan developed in 2011.
In 2014, the department recruited for several faculty positions in both Chicago and Rockford. Faculty were hired in the specialty areas of critical care, ambulatory care including antithrombosis, medication therapy management, GI/hepatology, specialty pharmacy and ambulatory care administration. Louise Parent Stevens was promoted to Assistant Director, Introductory Pharmacy Practice Experiences (IPPE). This year, two of our clinical faculty members, Kristen Goliak and Frank Paloucek, were promoted to Clinical Associate Professor and Clinical Professor, respectively. All promoted clinical faculty now receive multi-year contracts dependent upon rank.
The residency and fellowship program had another strong year. In 2014, the UIC Community Pharmacy Residency Program was accredited and recruited its third resident who is based out of the UIC outpatient pharmacies. The Resident Teaching Certificate Program was offered to all residents at UIC as wells as other residents in the Chicago area. Supplementing the residents’ noon report was a leadership curriculum conducted by the Department Head and topics related to pharmacy administration and UI Health provided by the Director of Pharmacy. The Residency Advisory Committee met on a regular basis and oversaw the operations of the residency program. Each year a residency retreat is held to discuss and further improve our program.
The Department Advisory Committee, an elected committee consisting of faculty and administration, met on a monthly basis during most of 2014. One of the projects completed was the development of a research vision for the department which is included later in this annual report following the department mission statement. The research vision has been helpful as the department began recruiting for several mid-career tenure track faculty positions.
Our faculty continue to engage in cutting edge research. From Young Jeong’s work on altered drug metabolism in pregnancy which was funded with a grant from the National Institutes for Health for $1.7 million, to Jeremy Johnson’s work with cancer chemoprevention agents funded by the American Cancer Society for just over $720,000 and to Larry Danziger’s work with the Illinois Manufacturing Extension Center for over $2 million just to name a few projects, our faculty are world-renowned and contributing to new knowledge through their research programs. Competitive research funding continues to increase as our faculty continue to get funded in this competitive environment. More information on faculty research projects can be found later in this report.
The Department of Pharmacy Practice along with the Department of Pharmacy Systems, Outcomes and Policy established the Center for Pharmacoepidemiology and Pharmacoeconomic Research (CPR) several years ago. The Center is an interdisciplinary research unit of the College of Pharmacy. The Department is collaborating with CPR in a pilot program to provide research assistance for the clinical faculty. To date, the pilot has been going well.
As in the past, the Department of Pharmacy Practice faculty continue to be active in international pharmacy. In 2014, faculty members were invited to present lectures at international meetings in China, Dubai, India, Malta, Japan, Philippines, Saudi Arabia, Thailand, Taiwan and Singapore. Our faculty also continue to give lectures and recitations to pharmacy students in Hong Kong and Malta. The Department also hosted many international pharmacists from partner schools for short-term visits to learn more about clinical pharmacy. Andy Donnelly helped coordinate 2 visits for directors of hospital pharmacy from China to learn about clinical pharmacy services and education program development in the US. Christina Mactal Haaf and Jennifer Pham continued in their positions as the UIC Coordinators for the collaborative degree programs the College has established with University of Hong Kong and University of Malta. Several of our faculty were awarded adjunct faculty status at University of Malta to recognize their contributions to the program. Nancy Shapiro continued as the program coordinator for our international summer program, “Contemporary Pharmacy Practice and Education” for students and pharmacists from Taiwan and Hong Kong which took place for one month during the summer. To give our students the opportunity to experience pharmacy practice in another country, we have partnered with Siriraj Hospital and Mahidol University in Bangkok, Thailand to develop an elective APPE rotation for our P4 students.
As mentoring and faculty development are important initiatives in the Department, the mentoring and faculty development programs continued to grow in 2014. Over 60 faculty are involved in the mentoring program as a mentor or mentee. Since the mentoring and faculty development programs’ debut in 2008, 15 clinical faculty have successfully achieved promotion to clinical associate or clinical professor. In addition, since 2008, 7 tenure track faculty have successfully pursued promotion to associate professor or professor. The mid-career faculty development program continued in 2014 for the mid-level and senior clinical faculty in order to increase opportunities for scholarship in the department. One aspect of the program allows promoted or close to promoted faculty the ability to request to be taken off of service for 4-12 weeks to pursue or complete a scholarly activity such as a research project or writing a paper. Several faculty have taken advantage of this option. In addition, faculty development programming targeted at mid-career faculty was continued where visiting faculty are invited to campus to meet with faculty and participate in the visiting faculty seminar series. The goal of the program is to help mid-career faculty reach successful promotion to full professor.
In addition to faculty development seminars and workshops, the department also held a faculty networking event that recognized departmental faculty who had received significant awards. The awardees who were recognized included:
¨ Issac Cha: Allen Golden Apple, UIC TRP, Co-Teacher of the Year, Class 2015
¨ Arnold Diaz: INSPIRE Award and UIC Award of Merit
¨ Andy Donnelly: ICHP Amy Lodolce Mentor of the Year Award
¨ Linda Grider: UIC COP Alumnus of the Year
¨ Kristen Goliak: AACP Academic Leadership Fellow
¨ Jennifer Marcelo: 2014 Pharmacy Today One to One Patient Counseling Recognition Program
¨ Mary Moody: ICHP Pharmacist of the Year
¨ Jimmy Nguyen: 2014 UIC Student Employee All Star Award
¨ Kirsten Ohler: Preceptor of the Year, Class of 2014 PGY1s
¨ Mat Thambi: Preceptor of the Year, Class of 2014
¨ Scott Wirth: Co-Teacher of the Year, Class of 2015
Not only did the faculty have the opportunity to network with each other but also had the opportunity to celebrate our faculty successes.
In addition to the faculty networking event, the Department also organized a networking mixer during the fall semester for P4 students, residents and faculty.
The Department also continued the networking functions for our faculty, preceptors, donors and alums called the Partners in Practice events. During these functions we celebrate our partnerships with our preceptors who support our educational program, our generous donors who make many of our activities and scholarships possible and our alums who continually give back to the Department in a number of ways. For example, over the years, our preceptors have donated approximately $100,000 to the College and for that we are very grateful. Events were held at the American Pharmacists Association (APhA) Annual Meeting in Orlando and during the summer at a White Sox game at US Cellular Field in Chicago. We had great attendance at both events and plan to continue hosting these functions.
The departmental Educational Policy Committee (EPC) under the leadership of Kristen Goliak continues to meet on a regular basis. This past year, the Committee spent time focused on the College curriculum revision providing input to the College curriculum committee. The department EPC also reviewed the then proposed new ACPE accreditation standards and provided formal, written feedback to ACPE outlining the department’s viewpoints and concerns. The Standards were approved by the ACPE Board in 2015 and several of our concerns were addressed. The Department EPC committee also developed a recitation leader evaluation form to be used by the students and a policy and procedure for faculty recitation evaluation. The Committee also reviews all of the concerns that arise as part of the fall and spring course coordinator meetings and addresses the issues as appropriate.
To celebrate American Pharmacists Month in 2014, the Rockford APhA Academy of Student Pharmacists (ASP) placed an ad commemorating the month on a billboard on Alpine and Broadway. The billboard was displayed for the month of October and was sponsored by ASP, the Dean’s Office and the Department of Pharmacy Practice. The department was happy to help sponsor the billboard and the ASP students’ activities in Rockford.
Providing the highest level of pharmaceutical care to the patients that seek care from our seven ambulatory pharmacies continues to be an important focus for our department. Three clinical faculty members who have completed community pharmacy residencies and have expertise in community pharmacy continue to enhance clinical services provided at the Wood Street Pharmacy. Two of these faculty also provide care to underserved patients at Community Health, a free clinic on the west side of Chicago run completely by volunteers. A new initiative in our ambulatory pharmacies, UI Team Rx, was developed that enhances patient-centered coordination of care. More about this unique program can be read later in this report. We have continued various marketing strategies for our pharmacies which include publishing a blog on a variety of topics that is supported by the Drug Information Group, maintaining a social media presence on facebook and twitter and developing new marketing pieces for our pharmacies.
The new Mile Square Pharmacy, one of our several ambulatory pharmacies, moved to the new Mile Square building on the corner of Wood and Roosevelt and had their grand opening celebration in October 2014. The pharmacy is state of the art and includes a counseling room, a space for P4 students to work and video screens where educational videos can be shown. It is a great, new space to provide care to our patients.
Our ambulatory pharmacies as well as faculty in the Department continued to be very active in providing flu shots to the university community via our pharmacies as well as through our partnership with the State of Illinois. For the 9th year, department faculty, residents and P4 students worked together to administer flu vaccine to as many eligible state employees and retirees as possible. Over 1350 vaccinations were administered during the 2014 flu fall season as part of this program. To be sure all of our immunizing pharmacists were eligible to participate in the vaccination programs, we offered a CPR refresher course for those whose CPR certification had expired.
Many of our faculty are active in the American College of Clinical Pharmacy (ACCP). In 2014, several faculty had leadership positions. These include:
- Melissa Badowski, Chair HIV PRN and Chair, Emerging Distance Practice and Technology Committee
- Michelle Martin, Secretary/Treasurer GI/Liver/Nutrition PRN
- Rebecca Stone, Secretary/Treasurer Women’s Health PRN
- Nancy Shapiro, Chair, Task Force on Residency Training
- Jan Engle, Chair, Educational Affairs Committee
ACCP Committee/Task Force members include: Rob DiDomenico, Alan Lau, Juliana Chan, and Vicki Groo. Also of note, Melissa Badowski completed the requirements for the ACCP Teaching and Learning Academy and was recognized at the graduation ceremony at the 2014 annual meeting.
It has been a busy and productive year for the department. Below is a summary of some of the activities of the department for 2014:
- 173 publications
- 33 books or book chapters
- 39 editorial boards or editorships
- 7 media interviews
- 92 presentations
- 91 leadership/committee positions
- 16 college/campus awards
- 13 state/national awards
- 1 international award
These activities could not have been accomplished without the hard work of the faculty, staff, residents and fellows. While not all accomplishments of the department could be featured in this report, these highlights are just a few of the contributions made to the college, university and profession of pharmacy.
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