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Stanford Medicine · Department of Radiology · Canary Center for Cancer Early Detection
United States · Stanford
Feb 2014–
May 2015
Asst. Prof.
Okan Universitesi · Genetics and Bioengineering
Turkey · Istanbul
Mar 2010–
Feb 2014
Agency for Science, Technology and Research
Agency for Science, Technology and Research
Singapore · Singapore
Jun 2006–
Jan 2010
Max-Planck-Institut Polymer Research
Max-Planck-Institut für Polymerforschung
Germany · Mainz
Sep 2003–
Jan 2006
Middle East Technical University · Department of Chemistry
Turkey · Ankara
May 2006–
Jan 2010
Max-Planck-Institut for Polymer Research
Biochemistry, Material Science · Ph.D.
Germany · Mainz
Sep 2003–
Jan 2006
Middle East Technical University
Chemistry, Polymer Science · M.Sc.
Turkey · Ankara
Sep 1998–
Jun 2003
Hacettepe University
Chemistry · B.Sc.
Turkey · Ankara
Ahu Arslan Yildiz named among the top innovators under 35 in Turkey
September 17, 2014 We are pleased to announce that Canary Center Postdoctoral Fellow Ahu Arslan Yildiz has been recognized as one of the top innovators under 35 in Turkey.
For more than a decade, MIT Technology Review, the world's
oldest and most respected technology publication, has identified young
Innovators whose superb work contributes in transforming the nature of
technology around the world. Innovators Under 35 has become a main
reference for the discovery and support of emerging talent.
Innovators Under 35 Turkey identifies the young men and women driving
the most impressive works in the country and recognizes them for their
work. Innovators are nominated by leaders from universities, businesses
and government institutions.
Dr Yildiz has developed an artificial membrane platform that mimics
the real cell membrane and is used for the development and testing of
next generation drugs.
Membrane proteins play crucial roles in fulfilling the vital
functions in the cells, ranging from cell-signaling and signal
transduction, to nutrition uptake and ion transport. Despite their
importance, current knowledge about membrane proteins assembly and
function is very limited due to lack of reliable and robust experimental
sensing platforms.
Dr. Yildiz's work utilizes materials science combined with membrane
biophysics that deeply incorporates expert surface chemistry techniques
into the synthetic biochemistry field with intention to characterize
membrane proteins. The newly developed artificial cell membrane platform
is a powerful, easy-to-use experimental tool for screening cellular
interactions such as protein-protein and protein-drug interactions, as
well as for studying many diseases which directly associated with cell
membranes and integrated proteins.
As Dr. Yildiz explains; "It is a kind of tool-box and all of the
components can be changed depending on scientific needs and techniques".
She also mentions; "This artificial membrane platform is a very close
mimic of the cell membrane, proteins are functioning well since they
feel as in their natural environment". By this work, she showed that the
developed platform can be successfully used for drug screening studies,
especially for hERG ion channel drugs which are directly related to
heart functioning and diseases. This work is published in Analyst in
2013 and was highlighted on that issues cover.
Dr Yildiz is an affiliated faculty member of the Genetics and
Bioengineering department at Okan University, Istanbul. She is also the
UNESCO-Loreal International Fellowship 2014 winner and currently
continuing her research in Stanford University as a UNESCO-Loreal
Duygu Erdogan
Erdogan is a master student at Izmir Institute of Technology
(IZTECH), Biotechnology Department. She received her BSc degree in
Chemistry in 2015 from IZTECH as a honor student.
She focuses on
developing a methodology for the diagnosis of cancer at early stage
based on surface plasmon resonance (SPR) . For this methodology, cancer
biomarkers in the blood is produced as biomimetic and used in cancer
cell lines .
Her research interests includes biomimetic cancer
biomarkers, gold nanoparticles, surface functionalization and
characterization, polymers, SPR and ELISA.
Esra Turker
Türker is currently master student at Izmir Institute of Technology,
Biotechnology Department. She received her BSc degree in Chemistry in
2015 from Izmir Institute of Technology. Her graduation project was
“Electrospun of Lithium Metal Oxide Nanofibers as Electrode Active
Material for Lithium-Ion Batteries” and supported by TÜBİTAK 2209/A –
Research Projects Fellowship Programme for Undergraduate Students in
2014-2015. She is specialized in the field of tissue engineering. Her
research interest revolved applications of electrospinning, artificial
tissues, biomimetic systems, biomaterials.
sensing capability, 'unusual' formats with flexible/stretchable
designs, lightweight construction and self-powered operation are desired
attributes for electronics that directly interface with the human body.
I have focused on the applications of active piezoelectric materials
and patterning techniques for 'unusual' electronic devices with an
emphasis on bio-integrated systems. My collective research has
implications across a variety of sensors, mechanical energy harvesting
components and implantable, minimally invasive brain injectrodes capable
of addressing the spatial and temporal aspects of treating neural
disorders. My research broadly bridges the gap that exists between
rigid, boxy electronics and soft, curvy biology and my passion is to
explore novel materials, mechanics and device designs for emerging
classes of health monitoring systems and implantable / wearable medical
– Present (1 year 9 months)Cambridge, Massachusetts
Robert S. Langer Research Group,
The David H. Koch Institute for Integrative Cancer Research,
McGovern Institute for Brain Research.
– Fabricate a novel multi-functional probe for local delivery of
electrical and chemical stimulation in the brain to detect behavioral
changes in Parkinson’s disease, anxiety and mood disorders.
– Collaborate with a neuroscientist team led by Prof. Ann Graybiel of McGovern Institute for Brain Research.
– Supervise a PhD student at HST Program of MIT and Harvard University.
– Supervise an undergraduate team (3 students) with backgrounds in physics, materials science and chemistry.
– (5 years 1 month)Urbana-Champaign, Illinois Area
Research Assistant
John A. Rogers Research Group,
Department of Materials Science and Engineering,
Frederick Seitz Materials Research Laboratory,
Beckman Institute for Advanced Science and Technology.
– Initiated new approaches/methods for ferroelectric/piezoelectric
materials, and devices that has implications across a variety of sensors
and energy harvesting components.
– Supervised an undergraduate team (9 students) with background in physics, materials science, chemistry, EE.
– Collaborated with academic and industrial research groups:
Northwestern University, The University of Arizona, University of
Washington, Tsinghua University/China, National Nanotechnology
Laboratory of Istituto Nanoscienze-CNR, Università del Salento/Italy,
Institute of High Performance Computing, A-STAR/Singapore, Dresden
University of Technology/Germany, MC10/Boston, L'Oréal/NY, CA, Paris.
Research Assistant
Melih Papila Research Group,
Department of Materials Science and Engineering,
Smart and Functional Materials Research Lab.
– Led a The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK) research project.
– Supervised an undergraduate team (3 students) with backgrounds in physics, materials science and chemistry.
– Collaborated with TUBITAK, Gebze Institute of Technology/Turkey, Hacettepe University/Turkey.
Teaching Assistant
Nature and Science Course,
Content includes; fundamentals of physics and its principles
(Design and grade assignments, develope review and test questions, teach
a recitation per week, make basic experiments with students).
Undergraduate Researcher
H. Zafer Durusoy Research Group,
Department of Physics Engineering,
Thin Film Preparation and Measurement Lab.
– Designed Cryostate and controlled I-V measurement process for thin film with LabVIEW interface.
– Collaborated with Turkish Atomic Energy Authority (TAEA).
Undergraduate Researcher
Atilla Aydinli Research Group,
Department of Physics,
Advanced Research Lab. and Nanotechnology Research Center.
Integrated Optics Lab.
– Developed an interface between a PC and optical parameter analyzer via LabVIEW software.
Physics Department, Advanced Research Laboratory and National Nanotechnology Research Center, Integrated Optic Group
• MRS (Material Research Society) 2014 Spring & Fall Meetings Grad Student Awards
• MIT Technology Review Award for Innovators under 35 (TR35) in Turkey 2014*
*First generation innovator of Turkey, and default candidate for MIT TR35 Global 2015, 8/2014
• Named as the Innovator of the Year among the first generation of MIT TR Innovators under 35
• Named as a ‘Rising Star’ in EECS with 40 World-wide Selected Female Scientists, 7/2014
• $20K Illinois Innovation Prize, 4/2014
• Invited Speaker to deliver a TEDx talk (TEDxReset) in Istanbul, Turkey, 4/2014
• Turkish American Scientists & Scholars Association (TASSA) Young Scholar Award, 3/2014
• Racheff-Intel Award for Outstanding Materials Research, 3/2014
• $10K Maria Pia Gratton International Award, 5/2011
• SU Engineering Commencement Graduate Student Speaker, 6/2009
• Dr. Gursel Sonmez Memorial Research Award, 6/2009
• ICAM-I2CAM Institute for Complex Adaptive Matter Award, 9/2008
• Travel Award from Sabanci University awarded for attending The 3rd International Conference
“Smart Materials, Structures and Systems”, 5/2008
• SU Full Scholarship throughout M.Sc. Studies, 2007-2009
• HU Highest Honor Graduated Plaque, 6/2007
• HU Success Plaque and Certificate awarded for IV. Engineering Project Exhibition, 5/2007
• Success and Representative Plaque from HU awarded for Representative of DEP at UFOK
(National Physics Student Organization Committee), 6/2006
• Travel Award from Hacettepe Association awarded for attending The International Association
of Physics Students 2006 (IAPS) Conference at Bucharest, Romania, 5/2006
• The President of Turkey Republic Scholarship awarded for B.Sc. studies, 2003-2007
• Turkey Idea and Culture Association Scholarship awarded for B.Sc. studies, 2003-2007
Canan Dagdeviren, a TASSA Awardee, is elected as a 'Junior Fellow' to Society of Fellow at Harvard University
By Bahri Karaçay
Dagdeviren never met her paternal grand father. He was only 28 years
old when his heart failed and stopped beating. This tragic event
determined her future career. At an early age, Dagdeviren promised
herself that by the age that her grandpa passed away, she would do
something that would help heart disease patients so that their lives
would not be ended prematurely like her grandfather. And she kept that
promise. When she received her Ph.D. from the University of Illinois, at
Urbana-Champaign, she held a device in her hand that she developed and
proved in preclinical studies to power heart-devices by converting
mechanical energy of heartbeats into electrical energy.
Her research and inventions gained her an instant recognition in
scientific community with sixteen awards, including one given by TASSA
in 2014. But probably the most prestigious award she received so far was
her election to the Society of Fellows at Harvard University. Canan
Dagdeviren became the first scientist from Turkey to be selected as a
Junior fellow in the history of Harvard Society of Fellows. "It means a
lot, it is a victory and accumulation of effort and love of 29 years"
she says. " It is beyond my personal success, I do represent my
beautiful home country, Turkey, as I’m the first scientist from Turkey
to be selected to the society".
Currently a postdoctoral research associate in Koch Institute for
Integrative Cancer Research, MIT, Dagdeviren received many
congratulation letters from Turkey. Those that were particularly
meaningful for her were the ones coming from Turkish women. "I’m happy
to be a ‘role model’ for young generation, especially for underestimated
women of my country", said Dagdeviren.
Dagdeviren's research has wide-spread implications, including variety
of sensors and energy harvesting components for cardiac pacemakers,
cardiac vessel stents, non-invasive, wearable blood pressure sensors,
and skin cancer detection bio-patches. She designed and fabricated a
device that is flexible and is also capable of converting mechanical
energy from internal organ movements into electric energy when attached
to the surface of the organs to power medical devices. Her research
provides evidence that these devices can yield significant amounts of
electrical power from motions of internal organs, up to and exceeding
levels relevant for practical use in implants. Thus, the technology may
either extend the battery life of an implanted medical device or totally
eliminate the need for battery, saving patients from repeated and
complicated surgeries.
Dagdeviren is currently working on developing a device that will allow
local and on-demand drug delivery to the brain in addition to electrical
stimulation. "My new device represents a fundamental shift in the
traditional neuromodulation delivery, which requires lengthy time spans
and stimulates the entire brain unnecessarily" she says. "Instead, I
will create a probe capable of dynamically adjusting the therapy within
seconds and with pinpoint accuracy which will have important impact on
individuals who suffer from devastating Parkinson’s disease, anxiety or
Amid ongoing invention and research efforts, Dagdeviren also manages to
work with young inventors in the Society of Women Engineers, and
mentors undergraduate students from the US and Turkey via her
communications on skype. One of her dreams is to develop a fellowship
program with her late granddad's name to inspire and support future
scientists from Turkey.
AnadoluJet Magazine - January 2016
Write: Zeynep İyigün / Photo: Pelin Ulca
I am motIvated by my dreams!
Canan Dağdeviren, the first Turkish
scientist selected as a “Junior Fellow” at Harvard University and
recognized as one the annual “35 Innovators Under 35” by MIT Technology
Review, is a brilliant innovator.
How and when did you become interested in science?
When I was a kid, I would break a pebble stone into pieces trying to
find atoms inside. I came to understand that my childhood attempts were
doomed to failure after my first experiments with atomic force
microscopy. But that’s how my family realized my main interest. For me
science means everlasting love and passion, and the most genuine guide
in life. Could you talk about your academic life that extends abroad to the US?
While I was studying Physics Engineering at Hacettepe University, I
took the following year’s classes during summer school to unload my
burden, and attended national and international conferences. I think
this eclectic educational program gave me certain abilities, such as
productivity, flexibility and looking at a problem from different
After completing the master’s degree at Materials Science and
Engineering at Sabancı University, I won the Fullbright Doctorate
Schoolarship in 2009 (it was the first time the scholarship was given). I
continued my doctorate study at the same department at The University
of Illinois at Urbana, Champaign, which laid the foundation of my
professional jour-ney. How does it feel to have been named among “35 Innovators Under 35” by MIT?
I am content to be on this prestigious list and represent my beautiful
country. I am excited to meet young researchers who excel in their
chosen fields. Could you please tell us about the invention that associates your name with innovation?
I have received this award for two different inventions I made. The
first one is a wearable pacemaker, a flexible and ultrathin
piezoelectric integrated film that converts the energy released by
movements of the heart, diaphragm and lungs into electrical energy
that’s stored in the device. This material, placed on a piece of
biocompatible plastic, is one-hundredth of the thickness of a human
hair and flexible and foldable like paper. This provides an
energy-efficient system that does not hinder the natural motion of the
organs. Today pacemakers need to be replaced every five to eight years
in a risky surgery. However, with this material your heart, lungs or
diaphragm can harvest the energy required for a pacemaker.
My second invention is a wearable device that can detect mechanical
properties of the skin and organ tissues in less than 10 seconds. It is
entirely biocompatible and too light to be felt. The aim is to map
skin diseases in particular, provide early diagnosis, and end painful
biopsy processes. What are the key elements that lead you to success? How are you motivated?
I succeed because I take life seriously. I passionately pursue my
dreams. I work hard to accomplish as much as possible in a short time. I
am motivated by my belief in my work and my present/future service to
humanity. My ambitious, stubborn character serves as a catalyst. In
addition to my academic carrier, I have a lively social life and I care
about my personal relationships. What does innovation mean to you? How important has innovation been in your career to date?
Innovation means the act of translating by means of imagination,
personal experiences and knowledge. Innovation arises as a result of a
need and is shaped by your imagination, inner motivation and
cooperation. We collect information and benefit our needs and passions
to render life as comfortable as possible. Innovative people are
passionate, persistent dreamers. These are the primary elements that
speed up my projects. What do you miss most about Turkey while living abroad?
I miss everything. I have learned to live while missing. I have been
away from my home country, my family and friends during the most
energetic years of my life. Our lives are shaped by our decisions and
choices. Missing has become a part of my life just like science. It is
my choice. What is your target now?
I am working on a needle-shaped battery to help people with Parkinson’s
disease and other brain diseases. This device can be placed locally to
the farthest parts of the brain, transmit orally taken medications
directly to the brain, and repair broken/dysfunctional neurons.
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